丹橘强精煎治疗畸形精子症疗效观察 中文摘要 目的:采用丹橘强精煎治疗畸形精子症,评价其对畸形精子症患者正常精子形态百分率及精子多重缺陷指标(TZI、SDI)的影响,为中医药治疗畸形精子症提供依据和新的思路。 方法:从2017年1月至2017年12月期间,对就诊于广西中医药大学第一附属男科就诊的不育症患者,进行精液形态分析及中医辨证分型,选取符合畸形精子症纳入标准的患者共75例,随机分为两组,其中丹橘强精煎组40例,口服丹橘强精煎配方颗粒,每日一剂,分早晚两次,麒麟丸组35例,口服麒麟丸,每日2次,每次6g。治疗前和治疗12周后,对两组患者治疗前后正常精子百分率及精子多重缺陷指标(TZI、SDI)、中医证候积分进行统计学分析。 结果:本课题最终有效病例数为70例,丹橘强精煎组临床治愈10例,显效9例,有效8例,无效10例,总有效率73.0%;麒麟丸组临床治愈3例,显效5例,有效11例,无效14例,总有效率57.6%。两组治疗后精子畸形率均较治疗前改善(P<0.05),表现为正常形态精子比例增加,头部缺陷和尾部缺陷的精子所占比例明显下降,丹橘强精煎作用表现得更为明显(P<0.05)。治疗后两组中医症候积分均较治疗前降低(P<0.05)。 结论:(1)丹橘强精煎能够有效的提高畸形精子症患者正常精子形态百分率,降低精子缺陷指标(TZI和SDI)。(2)丹橘强精煎可降低脾肾两虚患者中医症候积分,改善相关临床症状。对于畸形精子症患者,除药物治疗以外,应强调生活调理的重要性,提高疗效。 关键词:畸形精子症;男性不育症;精子形态;丹橘强精煎 Clinical Observation on the Effectiveness of Dan Ju Qiang Jing Jian in Treating Teratozoospermia ABSTRACT Objective: Graduation thesis will focus on the clinical observations and the effectiveness of using Dan Ju Qiang Jing Jian in treating teratozoospermia in patients, we will evaluate the effect of abnormal sperm morphology and multiple sperm defects indicator (TZI, SDI ) on patients suffering with teratozoospermia. This Research will set a basic foundation and provide a new insights on the treatment of teratozoospermia using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Methods: The research was conducted in a period of about one year which commenced on the.
Epididymitis, Men’s Unspeakable Pain Professor Bin Bin, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine 2012-05-17 Translated by Wira Yudha on 2018-07-19 Epididymis is located in the posterior lateral part of the testicular. Epididymis is a convoluted tubule which is connected to the testicle through the testicular output tubule at the posterior aspect of testicle, and is suspended at lower end of spermatic cord together with testicle. Size of the epididymis is about 6 × 0.5 cm, while total length of the epididymis is around 400-600 cm, and diameter of the epididymis is 0.4-0.5 mm. The upper end of the epididymis is round and obtuse, called epididymis.
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